Friday, April 10, 2015


So I will speak to you. A blank white canvas to be painted red with words. I will speak to you because you have no agenda. You have no opinion of me. You have no hate or love. You let me take care of all the emotions. I can color that rainbow full spectrum, my reds and my blues are infinite.

I am lonely
I am hurt
I am bitter
I am resentful
I am embarrassed
I am scared this is me.

I am strong
I am kind
I am thoughtful
I am underestimated
I am fierce
I am a fighter
I am tired.

chew on this

There's a bug in my heart and needs to be caught.
I feel him rustle about when I give him a thought.
The thought rushes from my brain.
Takes the shortcut vein.
Arrives right on a platter.
Make that bug fatter.
Eat this thought you hungry fat shit.

This bug has indigestion .
It causes palpitations.
From the vein to the brain,
Its excrement inhabits my cells. 

Thursday, April 2, 2015


The early sun shines truth upon my fearful face,
drawing me out of my menacing cave.
I am thrust into the warmth with sleep in my eyes.
It washes over me like old, sure hands.

The weight of the darkness falls down my belly like an anvil cut loose.
The impact penetrates every molecule of my existence.
It's red hot and shooting out of my ears.
It melts down my body leaving a fresh coat of paint.
You embrace me and the wet paint matches your eyes
Eyes and paint drip as we stand together for the first time this way.